I have never seen cows like this before!!!

Incident number: 853

Response ID: 302,464,247

Date: 16/05/24

Location: Hadlow, Tonbridge

Dudley’s story: “I was walking on my own with my dog. Having walked dogs through cows fields for the last 40 years it was just another walk with a dog, on the lead, through a cow field. As per usual the cows were inquisitive and came up to sniff my dog’s nose, who in turn, licked the cows nose. After a couple of minutes I decided to carry on my walk. Like most days the cows follow us for a bit, about 4/5 of them. But today, as I was trying to leave them, the cow reared up making weird snorting noises!! This was some sort of call to all the other cows in the field and 20 odd more came running over, mainly huge cows with full udders. Their tails were flicking and heads swaying from side to side, they looked very agitated and virtually surrounded us. I shouted at them to move like I usually do, this time they wouldn’t. The snorting cow was still rearing up, like a horse, about 6 feet away and still looking mad! Eventually with lots of shouting and clapping I managed to slowly edge away to the gate, with a slightly pounding heart!! I have never seen the cows like this before!”

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