Jonathan’s unforgettable visit to Stonehenge 31/03/1972

Response ID: 293,315,471

Report number: 812

This happened a long time ago when I was just 12 years old but remains fresh in my mind like it was yesterday. Two of my older cousins aged 19 and 22, took my brother (aged 10) and I to see the stone circle at Stonehenge. After visiting the circle, we decided to walk back using the field rather than the roadway. We were walking along a well-worn footpath without a dog. There was a group of cows in the middle of the field about 300 feet away. One of them started mooing and we didn’t notice but they started moving slowly towards us.

We did not have an inkling that cows could be dangerous as in the public mind they are considered ‘gentle’ animals. They broached up around us very quickly and had us surrounded. They acted in a very aggressive manner. Luckily, my cousin had a walking stick and waved it at them, shouting. We backed up against the field’s fence and moved slowly along it without turning our backs. Eventually we came to a gate not far away and made a quick exit.

The cows followed us all the way and stood at the gate staring. I can still remember how they looked up close, they are big animals and at 12 years old they looked huge. We were all terrified and shaken & felt lucky to escape unharmed. Heaven forbid if we were not near the fence when it happened. Since that time I have enjoyed many walks in the countryside and have steadfastly refused to walk in any field with cows even if there was a public footpath. I always skirt around them. I do not believe that cows should be allowed in fields with public rights of way or they should be fenced off from the footpath. They are dangerous animals.

We need fences separating cows from public rights of way, warning signs for the public and more public awareness of the danger.

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