Weobley Walkers have blood pressure spikes.

Incident number: 880
Date: 31.05.24
Site: On the Wyche way east of Naunton, Worcestershire.
Two bulls and cows and calves in two fields between which the Trail runs, I’ve since been informed the bull is most likely to be a Limousin.

Description: Two of us were walking along the Wyche Way, we didn’t have a dog. We came to a field where we met the first bull, this one was behind a single band of ?electric fencing with cows behind him. The bull was bellowing to another bull behind a hedge to our right. We crossed the field, effectively walking between the two bulls, to a stile in the corner. The next field we entered contained the other bull plus around 20 cows and their calves – all standing around the stile, they were not segregated from the footpath.

Fortunately the cows were frightened of us and backed off a bit, so we walked close to the hedge past them. And fortunately this bull was too preoccupied with the first bull that he ignored us.

No signs were around to warn us of the dangers. We are two ladies in our mid 70s and we were pretty scared but had no choice but to walk on, there was nothing we could do to avoid the danger, there were no warning signs, no suggested detours to avoid the bulls and cows and calves. Our fitbits showed a huge spike in our blood pressure!

Comment: No dangerous horses or cattle etc should be allowed on any official trail or footpath.

If you have an opinion you want to share, do let us know.

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