Trapped on a tow path near Arundel

Incident number: 876
Date of incident: 18.05.24
Site: Tow path next to river Arun – going north from Arundel/Burpham on side of North Stoke- last field leading out to the Gurkha Bridge. In the past I have come across a very similar scenario in the field on the direct opposite side of the Arun (same farm/farmers?) but that time was able to turn round immediately as I could see them from the stile)

Description: I got half way across the field and met group of heifers on the path (about a dozen). The river was to my right and flood plain to my left so I had little choice but to continue or turn back (4 miles detour to where I was going!) – they looked bit lively so I decided to turn back.

My dog is a small puppy and just stayed by my side. As I walked back the whole group started following then trotting after us and some of them bucking whilst also fighting between them to get to the front – with about 5 yards left I decided I had to leave the dog and slip down to the river (very tidal!) or run.

I decided to sprint (luckily at 65 I’m pretty fit). I hurdled the stile with the whole herd inches behind me. Of my 65 years this was one of the scariest moments in my life! I took some photos of the heifers from the other side of the stile. I then had to walk the whole 4 miles back to where I started as the only other bridge is in Arundel town centre.
I had no injury but was badly frightened.

Comment: I normally don’t have problems with cows in a field as long as you can avoid them/take a wide berth and can exit the field in an emergency. Both these experiences were on tow paths where you are very vulnerable with nowhere else to go that is safe. My previous experience I mentioned in this area was over a year ago so clearly heifers being on the tow path in this area is not uncommon.

If you have an opinion you want to share, do let us know.

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