Surrounded by cows – I was terrified!

Report number: 862

Date of incident: 22.05.24

Site of incident: Frome, Somerset, Whitcombe Field

Type of cows: A bull with cows, mostly Friesians.

Description: I was walking on the footpath through the field in the evening on my own. There was a group of cows, trotting through the field in the opposite direction to me so I thought I was safe. I approached a bench to sit down as I was calling a friend. One cow spotted me and started running towards me so I stood up on the bench and tried to shoo it away with loud noises and hand gestures.

Soon the rest of the herd were alerted and started to run towards me until I was surrounded by about 30/40 cows and one bull. They were gathered so closely together and moved right up to my legs that I couldn’t find a way out of the herd. I was terrified!! One of them started head butting me and pushing me so I was afraid I would fall off the bench. Others were licking and chewing my clothes. I trued to scare them by shouting and shooing but they wouldn’t move.

I called my partner and a friend to come and rescue me but they took some time and in the mean time I thought my life was at risk. I ended up calling emergency services but luckily my partner arrived and created a distraction so the herd dispersed and I walked away physically unharmed. These cows might have simply been inquisitive but their behaviour was dangerous and I felt so lucky not to be injured or killed. I feel like I need to report it to the farmer so that they take steps to keep other walkers safe as I wouldn’t want anyone to go through something similar.

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