Charged at by a bull

Report number: 847

Date of incident: 08/05/24

Site of incident: On the footpath up the river from St Nectan’s Waterfall, Tintagel, Cornwall. Coordinates 50°39’58.6″N 4°42’32.2″W. WhatThreeWords; ///disarmed.nipping.perfected.

There was a dairy bull in the field with multiple bullocks.

2 people no dogs

We are seasoned and experienced hill walkers. We approached the field on well worn path along from a much loved popular waterfall. We made sure to keep talking as we approached as to not startle bullocks (visible). As we entered the field the younger bullocks backed off. The dairy bull immediately started with aggressive body language. I picked up a large stick and tried to continue to follow the path with confident but non threatening body language. The bull charged us. I attempted to be assertive so raised the stick and held my ground. The bull continued to charge us, just stopping short of hitting us.

I instructed my partner to begin to withdraw slowly whilst remaining facing the bull. We tried to fall back to the safety of a small group of trees upon difficult to pass land. However, bull continued to follow us showing signs of aggression and following with persistence.

We entered a nearby stream and managed to follow up stream and get out the field. The bull continued to show aggressive body language towards us from the next field. We had to trespass in order to avoid the field and continue on our walk safely.

Not injured but frightened.

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